7 years ago
SCIAF is responding to the emergency situation in Kerala and have sent £30,000 to help families there. This money will provide rice, oil, beans and basic household items like soap, toothpaste and buck... [read more]
7 years ago
Many thanks to all who gave do generously to SCIAF's Wee Box appeal this year. We received and passed on to SCIAF the sum of £4,950 in time for the 8th May deadline when the UK Government matched all... [read more]
7 years ago
SCIAF wishes to thank you very much for your support during the Lent Appeal. You are asked to return your WEE BOXES to the Parish House or directlty to SCIAF as soon as possible. It’s more important t... [read more]
7 years ago
In Cambodia, the lives of poor families have been hit hard by illegal fishing. We’re helping them to stand up for their rights, protect what’s theirs, support themselves and live with dignity. The UK ... [read more]