RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
The new Season of Instruction begins now and the meetings are held on Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm in St Columbkille’s Chapel House, 2 Kirkwood Street Rutherglen. This meeting is open to anyone who is interested in the Catholic Faith; who has been Baptised but has not yet received any other Sacraments, e.g. First Holy Communion, Confirmation or Reconciliation or would simply like to learn more about their Catholic faith. Alternatively, please contact Chris Hughes (563 9548) or Fr Hennessy or any of the clergy (647 6043), visit the parish website www.stcolumbkille.org.uk or email stcolumbkille@rcdom.org.uk or pick up a leaflet from the back of the Church. Please tell anyone who may be interested. All enquiries are treated with the utmost confidentiality.