Prayers for the Sick and the Dead w/b 8th May 2022


SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: If you, or someone you know, is in URGENT need of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, or Anointing of the Sick, please telephone the parish house to discuss arrangements.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK AT THIS TIME: Hugh McTominey, Ian Elrick, Lally Sweeney, Maria Cowan, Ada Cameron, Mrs Fleming, Patrick Gallagher, Michael Malone, Kevin Bradley, Patricia Monaghan, Mary Nocker, Steven Murphy, Paul Sisk, Mary Langan, Niamh Edelsten, John McCarron, Brian Malone, Ena and Anne Nicholl, Sean Christie, Bill Corr, Kathleen Robertson. 

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE RECENTLY DECEASED: Emilia Jaconelli, John McGinty, Darren Hyslop, Margaret Allen, Christine Millar, Margaret Douglas, Isabel Dooley, Cecelia Kelly, Margaret Connor, Vironica Brogan, John McIntyre, James McCreadie, Catherine Carr, William Hendry 

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHOSE ANNIVERSARIES OCCUR AT THIS TIME: Catherine Deighan, Michael Mournian, Marie Allan, John Docherty, Jim McFadden, Mary (Molly) Donatello, David Allison, Alex Cowan, Maria Flynn, Jim McColgan, James Lyndsay, Hugh Kearney 

Congratulations:– to Val and Margaret McEwan on their Diamond Wedding Anniversary and to Fr Danny Rooney (formerly of this parish) on his Golden Jubilee to the priesthood

Birthday Blessings: Fr Patrick Hennessy, Marie Tedeschi, James McCluskey 

Easter Flowers in recognition of:- Our Blessed Lady, Kathleen O’Brien, Fay Paterson, Ryan McLaughlin, David Milligan, Eileen and Danny Nugent, Bridget Slaven, Sharon Gallagher, John McCourtney, Peter & Bridie Burke, India & John Burns. 

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