Prayers for the Sick and the Dead w/b 3rd January 2021


SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: If you, or someone you know, is in URGENT need of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, or Anointing of the Sick, please telephone the parish house to discuss arrangements.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK AT THIS TIME: Christopher Coleman, Mary and Niall Greenan, Baby Ronan Jackson, Mary (Molly) Gray, Patricia Fay, Marie Murphy, Helen McAllister, Fraser McAllister, Isabel McEwan, Sophia Walker (9), Jim Ferguson, Joe Doherty, Trudi Hewitt, Mark McLachlan, Eric O’Neil (5), Bea van der Linden, Margaret Gray, Margaret Malone 

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE RECENTLY DECEASED: Margo Carmichael, Kevin Goodwin, Sarah Margery, Anthony Kelly, Ann McBrien, Jean Balmer, John McEnaney, Michael Devlin, Sean Bradley       

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHOSE ANNIVERSARIES OCCUR AT THIS TIME:   Mary Carbry, Hugh Porte, Brian Thoms, Rose and James Duffy, Rose Sweeney, Elizabeth Phillips, Charles Millar, Hugh Mullen, Jenny Caldwell, Jenn Laughran, Andrew Loughigan  

Birthday Remembrance: Mary Boyle

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