Parish Prayer Intercessions w/b 30th October 2022


SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: If you, or someone you know, is in URGENT need of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, or Anointing of the Sick, please telephone the parish house to discuss arrangements.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK AT THIS TIME: Enuz Anderston, Ann Bond, Nathan Coleman, Jim and Grace Feeney, Irene Rowan, Paddy McGeever, Margaret McKenzie, Della Walker, Rita Gillan, Baby Isabella Maria Maxwell, Hughie Cullen, Hugh Bryceland, Susan Smith, Michael Malone, Anne Haughey, Steven Murphy, Eddie Ford, Maria Cowan  

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE RECENTLY DECEASED: Sadie Tuck, Patricia Mullen, Mrs M Conway, Nan Torley, David Mosley, Celie Shannon, Mary Twydale, Malcolm Sinclair, Very Byrne, Mary Coyle, Anne Moore, Winnie Crooks, James Metcalfe, Moira Graham, Patrick Coll, Peter Burns, Jim O’Kane, Daniel McCrudden, Liz Booth Cathcart

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHOSE ANNIVERSARIES OCCUR AT THIS TIME: Anne Whyte, Leonora Padden, Bill Nash, Robert McGregor, Isabella McColgan, Peter O’Hare, Arthur Quinn, Trudi Hewitt (Quinn), Sarah Anne Sheils, Ann Holmes, Lily Wilmott, Owen Boyce, John Wilson, William McDougall, Michael Carr, Peter Lawlor, Catherine Broadley, Mary McGinley, John and Nessie McLaughlin, Elaine McLaughlin, Paul McGuinness, Margaret Moley, Patrick and Margaret Friel, Mary Dunsmore

Month’s Mind:- Daniel Broadley

Birthday Blessings:– Michael McGrath

Baptisms:- Eletta Marie Renucci

Congratulations:- to Fr Eugenio Montesi on his Diamond Jubilee!

Sanctuary Flowers in recognition of:- Gabriel and Catherine Fella, Shaun and Jillian Lynch, Evelyn Lynch, Denis Lynch, James Todd, Jim Downey, James McLaughlin Connor, Eileen Lynn, James McPhillips, Catherine McFarlane, Rita Cassidy, Samuel Gallagher.

If you would like to sponsor the flowers in the sanctuary , in honour of or in memory of a loved one, please fill out the form provided and place in the green box in the stall.

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