Parish News

October is World Mission Month

October is World Mission Month and our annual collection for Missio Scotland will take place on the weekend of 21st/22nd October. Some Missio Scotland booklets are provided at the back of the church, ...

Parish Council EGM Tuesday 10th October

An Extraordinary General Meeting of St Columbkille’s Parish Council will take place on Tuesday 10th October 2017 at 7.00 pm in the Church Hall. Our Parish Council AGM on 29 August has...

Welcome to St Columbkille’s Parish Website

WELCOME to our new parish website which will provide news and photographs of parish events, activities of parish groups, the history of the parish and much more. It will also provide information about...

Parish Ministry Retreat September 2017

On the morning of Saturday 16th September Passkeepers, Altar Servers, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, contributors to our Music Ministry and leaders of our Children’s Liturgy gathered with our...

Latest Readers’ Rota (October to December 2017)

The Sunday Readers’ Rota for October to December 2017 can be viewed here.  Where holiday arrangements or sickness leaves you ill-disposed, please try to arrange a substitute reader. NEW READERS...

Retreat for Parish Ministry Groups

The life of St Columbkille’s parish community is enriched by the active ministry of many people who enhance the liturgy at Holy Mass by acting as Passkeepers, Altar Servers, Readers, Eucharistic...

Help us to write our Parish Mission Statement

This draft statement is intended to describe the “mission” of our parish community – ie what we are trying to achieve for the Lord.   All parishioners are invited to comment on it...

Easy Fundraising for St Columbkille’s Building Fund

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be collecting free donations for St Columbkille’s Church Building Fund?...