Deacon Bill’s Sunday Gospel Reflections


6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection  for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Jesus came to heal us by reconciling us with God, our neighbour and ourselves. When we are reconciled with God, “whatever we do, we do for the glory of God”. When we ...

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection  for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Life can be beautiful, even in the midst of all the ills of the world, if we learn to live through the mystery of suffering for the sake of the Gospel and its ...

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection  for the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Bringing the power and the authority of the Good News of Jesus Christ to others is the vocation of every Christian. If we heed Christ’s words he will lead us ...

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection  for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Jesus tells us to ‘Repent and believe in the Gospel.’ To believe in the Gospel is to take God at his word and believe in our destiny. To repent is a ...

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection  for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: From the time of the Apostles the Good News has spread throughout the world. We all come to Jesus through a litany of other people. The story of our faith in Jesus ...

Feast of the Epiphany

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection  for the Feast of the Epiphany: Those who persevere in their own spiritual journey, guided by the star of faith lighting their way, will invariably meet Christ who will heal them and transform them into ...

Feast of the Holy Family

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection  for the Feast of the Holy Family By reflecting the Holy Family, all Christian families are invited to reach out to others by using their own natural families as the foundation for building a family of ...

4th Sunday in Advent

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection  for the 4th Sunday in Advent (Year B): However unworthy we may be, Jesus invites us every year to his birthday feast, for “nothing is impossible for God.” Each year he challenges us, like ...