Deacon Bill’s Sunday Gospel Reflections
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for 6th Sunday of Easter: Jesus assures us that we belong to God’s family: Our parents are living examples of God’s love as we grow up witnessing how they treat their children and others and how they...
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for 6th Sunday of Easter: Do not become frustrated or downhearted if you cannot find the words to pray. Sit and listen instead and let the Holy Spirit speak on your behalf. In this way not only do we...
Fifh Sunday of Easter
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for 5th Sunday of Easter: As we travel on our faith journey we will experience and pass through some Calvaries of our own. However, the hope of our future glory and the loving support of each other...
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for 4th Sunday of Easter: Jesus our Good Shepherd invites us to follow him even on the rough paths, listening to his voice, spreading his light to others and leading all people into the one fold...
Third Sunday of Easter
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for 3rd Sunday of Easter: To encounter the Risen Lord, we need to open our eyes, ears and hearts to see, hear, and experience him coming into our lives in various forms, circumstances and events. The...
Second Sunday of Easter
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for 2nd Sunday of Easter: Peace is the first gift given to us by the risen Jesus. The peace of Christ is personal before it is social; the peace of Christ gives us health within a profound sense of...
Easter Sunday
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for Easter Sunday: Through the joy of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus at Easter we are reminded that Jesus chose to be part of our lives. He is always with us as we travel on our pilgrim journey...
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the 5th Sunday of Lent: It is when we recognise our past faults and resolve to mend them, that we can turn to the future secure in the knowledge that we have become transparent before God...