Deacon Bill’s Sunday Gospel Reflections


17th Ordinary Sunday

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the 17th Ordinary Sunday of Year C If you are struggling to pray to God, don’t worry about it. Just pray the  ‘Our Father’, the prayer that Jesus himself taught us. It is the...

16th Ordinary Sunday

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the 16th Ordinary Sunday of Year C Trying to do too much for others can sometimes cause us to forget about what they really need: compassion, friendship and especially to be listened to...

15th Ordinary Sunday

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the 15th Ordinary Sunday of Year C In the parable of the ‘Good Samaritan’ there only two paths to choose from. The path of love and mercy and the path of pride and fear. Those who choose...

14th Ordinary Sunday

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the 14th Ordinary Sunday of Year C As followers of Christ we are called and empowered, not only to personify the peace of Christ but also to be messengers of peace, in every way we can, especially...

Saints Peter & Paul

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the feast of Feast of Saints Peter & Paul The feast of St Peter, who represents the faith of the Church, and of St Paul, who represents the mission of the Church, invites us each year to deepen...

Corpus Christi

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the feast of Feast of Corpus Christi: When we receive Jesus in the Eucharist we are in his presence as surely were the people that he fed with loaves and fishes. Hungering for the bread of life and...

Trinity Sunday

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the feast of Most Holy Trinity: The Feast of the Holy Trinity is not a celebration of the mystery of the Trinity, or of the doctrine about the mystery, but a celebration of God’s dynamic and...

Pentecost Sunday

Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the Solemnity of Pentecost: Today we are invited to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and give witness to Christ’s passion in the way we live our lives. It is through the Holy Spirit that we...