Deacon Bill’s Sunday Gospel Reflections
33rd Ordinary Sunday
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time in Year C: The fundamental question we need to keep asking ourselves is, not when or how the world will end, but how well are we prepared to face the end of our...
32nd Ordinary Sunday
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the 32ndt Sunday in Ordinary Time in Year C: When we allow ourselves to be loved by God unconditionally as Jesus did, accepting all of its implications, our belief in life after death grows strong...
31st Ordinary Sunday
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time in Year C: Even though we make mistakes we are still fundamentally good and, because of that, Jesus keeps knocking on the door to our heart, expecting us to open it...
30th Ordinary Sunday
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time in Year C: God is closer to those whose hearts are broken and it is the prayer of the poor in spirit that pierces the clouds, not that of those who are...
29th Ordinary Sunday
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time in Year C: To live a fulfilling life, it is necessary to set aside time for prayer each day and to persevere in it. There is no better fuel for keeping the lamp of...
28th Ordinary Sunday
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time in Year C: If our gratitude to God for whatever he sends is sincere and spontaneous, it will provide us space to recognise his gifts and to appreciate their true...
27th Ordinary Sunday
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time in Year C: Faith is a leap into the arms of God, even when all the odds are against us and, if this faith is put into practice and tested, it will steadily turn us...
26th Ordinary Sunday
Deacon Bill’s Gospel Reflection for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time in Year C: The gulf between the rich and the poor is growing ever wider. So wide that the poor cannot by themselves bridge this yawning chasm without the help of...