Category archives: Faith Professed
8 years ago
Last Things: Resurrection of the Body, Death, Particular Judgement, Heaven, Purgatory, Hell, Last Judgement, New Heavens, and New Earth
God ‘wants everyone to be saved and reach full knowledge of the... [read more]
8 years ago
Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mother of God, Mother of the Church
Catholic beliefs about Mary and the saints are based on what is believed about Jesus Christ and the Church. Christ Jesus, as the Son of God,... [read more]
8 years ago
The Church is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic
In the words of the Creed, we profess ‘one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church’. These four characteristics, or ‘marks,’ affirm the essential feature... [read more]
8 years ago
The Images and Mission of the Church
The word ‘Church’ (Latin ecclesia) originally meant a gathering or assembly. In Christian usage, the word ‘church’ refers to the worshipping community, the local ... [read more]
8 years ago
The Revelation of the Spirit, Joint Mission of Son and Spirit
The Holy Spirit is God, the third divine Person of the Trinity, sometimes called the Paraclete, an Advocate and Comforter, the Lord and G... [read more]
Paschal Mystery, Unity of the Saving Deeds
The Paschal Mystery is the saving death and resurrection of Jesus for the redemption of the world. It is a core Christian belief that by his death on the cr... [read more]
8 years ago
Son of God, Son of Mary, Mysteries of Christ’s Life
‘For this is how God loved the world: he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life’ (Jn 3:16... [read more]
The Creation of Man and Woman, the Fall and the Promise
The Bible opens with these words: ‘In the beginning God created heaven and earth’ (Gn 1:1). The first three chapters of the first book of the B... [read more]
Faith in God as Mystery and Trinity; Belief in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth
We begin the Christian Creed by professing belief in God, the ‘Father Almighty, Creator of heaven ... [read more]
Faith as the Human Response to God’s Revelation
God’s revelation of love in Christ Jesus – in the power of the Holy Spirit – for our salvation, offers the possibility of a human response. Faith is th... [read more]
The Transmission of Divine Revelation
Christianity is a religion of the ‘Word of God’, a living and Incarnate Word. In Apostolic Tradition and in the books of Sacred Scripture, God speaks to humanity... [read more]
8 years ago
God Reveals a Plan of Loving Goodness
By natural reason, we can know God exists with certainty on the basis of the created world. Revelation is the love and knowledge of God that we cannot possibly ... [read more]