Category archives: Pillars of Faith
7 years ago
The Gospel of the 4th Sunday of Advent proposes to us the account of the Annunciation (Lk 1:26-38), the mystery to which we return every day in reciting the Angelus. The prayer makes us relive the dec... [read more]
7 years ago
What does "the Lord is at hand" mean? In what sense must we understand this "closeness" of God? The Church, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, already at that time understood increasingly better that Go... [read more]
7 years ago
A message full of hope resounds in the liturgy of Advent, inviting us to raise our gaze to the ultimate horizon but at the same time to recognise the signs of the God-with-us in the present. In the S... [read more]
7 years ago
In Advent, Christians relive a dual impulse of the spirit: on the one hand, they raise their eyes towards the final destination of their pilgrimage through history, which is the glorious return of the... [read more]
8 years ago
The Lord’s Prayer: Our Father
Jesus teaches his disciples and us to pray in the words of the ‘Our Father’. The Lord’s Prayer is the most perfect of prayers, containing all that we rightly desire b... [read more]
8 years ago
The Foundations of Prayer
Prayer stands at the heart of our relationship with God. In prayer, a believer humbly seeks to grow in union with God, revealed in Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy... [read more]
You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbour’s Goods
The Tenth Commandment extends the meaning of the Seventh and Ninth Commandments as it urges poverty of spirit and generosity of heart. These virtues free ... [read more]
You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbours’s Wife
The Ninth Commandment teaches us to guard ourselves against impurity of heart. The heart is the seat of moral acts, and the grace of the sacraments stren... [read more]
You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbour
God is the source of all truth. Christ Jesus not only taught truth, he spoke of himself, saying, ‘I am Truth’ (Jn 14:6). The Eighth Commandment... [read more]
8 years ago
You Shall Not Steal
The Seventh Commandment prohibits theft – the taking of another’s goods against the reasonable will of the owner. Every form of theft is contrary to God’s will and constitutes an... [read more]
You Shall Not Commit Adultery
The Sixth Commandment calls spouses to permanent and exclusive fidelity to one another, a countercultural value in contemporary society. Fidelity in marriage flows fro... [read more]
8 years ago
You Shall Not Kill
The Catholic Church defends the sanctity of human life as a gift from God. Human life is sacred because it originates in God’s creative love. God alone is the Creator of L... [read more]